simple examples of how to

Thursday, October 20, 2011

[GNUPLOT] gnuplot 3D plot example

GNUPLOT source (plot.gnuplot)

set surface
set contour surface
set view 60, 30, 1, 1
set clabel '%8.2f'
set key right
set title 'Graph Title'
set xlabel 'vss'
set ylabel 'sbb'
set zlabel 'closs'
set term png
set output 'jf.png'
splot '' using 2:1:3 notitle with pm3d

data source (

400 0 25200
400 1000 33036
400 2000 21044
400 3000 19764
400 4000 5344
400 5000 92
400 6000 0
400 7000 0
400 8000 0

300 0 20344
300 1000 24204
300 2000 19476
300 3000 15992
300 4000 11020
300 5000 116
300 6000 4
300 7000 4
300 8000 0

200 0 23352
200 1000 19084
200 2000 11072
200 3000 28472
200 4000 22552
200 5000 32
200 6000 8
200 7000 0
200 8000 16

180 0 30648
180 1000 31264
180 2000 18396
180 3000 23688
180 4000 15956
180 5000 10352
180 6000 4
180 7000 16
180 8000 0

160 0 24008
160 1000 28172
160 2000 32704
160 3000 21632
160 4000 9664
160 5000 20
160 6000 12
160 7000 0
160 8000 16

140 0 21824
140 1000 29428
140 2000 22972
140 3000 23176
140 4000 17588
140 5000 144
140 6000 8
140 7000 20
140 8000 0

120 0 34584
120 1000 33220
120 2000 23788
120 3000 22912
120 4000 11976
120 5000 1004
120 6000 4
120 7000 0
120 8000 0

100 0 20768
100 1000 26288
100 2000 23484
100 3000 19332
100 4000 28984
100 5000 9760
100 6000 140
100 7000 4
100 8000 0

80 0 34156
80 1000 29908
80 2000 29596
80 3000 21380
80 4000 12008
80 5000 27508
80 6000 332
80 7000 0
80 8000 0

60 0 23300
60 1000 21892
60 2000 26108
60 3000 18168
60 4000 23992
60 5000 20780
60 6000 1116
60 7000 8
60 8000 0

40 0 26176
40 1000 26428
40 2000 24232
40 3000 22684
40 4000 25632
40 5000 21244
40 6000 9292
40 7000 4652
40 8000 0

20 0 26864
20 1000 30564
20 2000 36524
20 3000 29248
20 4000 32988
20 5000 18144
20 6000 700
20 7000 676
20 8000 0

0 0 27300
0 1000 27656
0 2000 29148
0 3000 29216
0 4000 29548
0 5000 13992
0 6000 3432
0 7000 1200
0 8000 0

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